Sinergia Acupuntura


Medicina Tradicional China

La Medicina Tradicional China ofrece una visión interrelacionada del organismo como un todo y descubre mediante una completa valoración individualizada cuales son los desequilibrios que originan los problemas de salud, para poder restablecerla tratando no solo los síntomas sino también la causa de los mismos, corrigiendo así la raíz del problema. Mediante las diferentes técnicas y tratamientos utilizados de forma complementaria se equilibran las funciones del organismo, sirviendo a su vez de método preventivo para mantener la salud.


Many health problems and disorders can be treated with the different techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine::

  • Pain treatment
  • Stress, anxiety
  • Fertility disorders
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Stop smoking
  • Weight loss treatment
  • Fatigue, weakness
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Gastrointestinal conditions
  • Nervous disorders
  • Respiratory system problems
  • .




Acupuncture consists of the painless insertion of very fine, disposable, single-use needles to stimulate points on the meridians of our body. It is a technique that regulates the body functions. Acupuncture balances our health by restoring energy due to its many therapeutic properties: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, relaxing, anxiolytic, vascular, antispasmodic and decongestive. For all these reasons, it can be used effectively in relation to many health problems as its results are effective, long-lasting and often immediate.




It consists of the application of heat to the skin, where the acupuncture points and other areas of the body are located by burning Artemisia vulgaris, it is used for the treatment and prevention of multiple health problems. Its most important properties are to favour temperature regulation and blood circulation, thus contributing to the restortion and maintainance of the body’s balance, since heat is carried through the energy meridians. It can also calm pain by inducing analgesia and reinforcing the body’s defensive capacity.




Traditional Chinese Medicine uses a wide variety of medicinal plants which can be part of formulas used for the prevention and treatment of the imbalances that cause health problems. The choice of these formulas is made in a personalised way for each patient after an exhaustive evaluation interview and for a certain period of time.




Traditional Chinese Medicine gives special importance to the therapeutic use of food as a way of leading a healthy lifestyle as well as a way of preventing and correcting imbalances that can lead to health problems. Therefore, it recommends individualized diagnosis followed by personalized guidelines, taking into account the nature, taste and temperature of the food, all of which is adapted to avalaible products and our culinary habits. Its aim is not recommend diets or “going on a diet” as we understand, but rather to modify certain eating habits.




The ear forms a microsystem that can be stimulated through the use of various acupuncture techniques to treat disorders and health problems in other regions of the body. This therapy has the advantage of being very simple to apply and as it can be used semi-permanently, the stimulation is constant. The ear tapping allows the patient himself to stimulate the ear points at any time.




La Nueva Acupuntura Craneal del Dr. Yamamoto (YNSA) constituye un microsistema de acupuntura indicado para diferentes trastornos, utilizando muy pocas agujas. En Sinergia Acupuntura se utiliza la craneopuntura principalmente en cuadros de dolor agudo y crónico.




Basada en la meditación desde el paradigma científico, Mindfulness es una vía de transformación para cambiar tu vida a través del trabajo metódico en técnicas de atención, relajación, concentración, aceptación y conciencia plena, con la que puedes aprender a conocerte mejor, gestionar el estrés, así como desarrollar aspectos cognitivos y emocionales para mejorar tu bienestar y calidad de vida.




Estimulación de los puntos de acupuntura a través de las agujas mediante ligeros impulsos electromagnéticos con un aparato especialmente diseñado para tal fin. Con la electroacupuntura se potencia la actividad y los efectos del tratamiento con acupuntura, estando indicada en numerosos trastornos, como el tratamiento del dolor agudo y crónico, estados de estrés, problemas del sueño, fertilidad, etc.

Emilio J. Torregrosa

Member of Pan European Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Societies
Senior Technician in Traditional Chinese Medicine

I studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the Fundación Europea de MTC, in collaboration with the TCM Universities of Beijing and Yunnan, where I was trained in the various disciplines and techniques that complete TCM: Acupuncture, Phytotherapy, Moxibustion, Auriculotherapy, Tuina, Cupping, and Food.

I have a Master's degree in the Classical Chinese Medicine "Huangdi Neijing" organised by the TCM University of Yunnan (China).

I am a member of the Association of Acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine Professionals "Practitioner's Register" (nº 2760-11511).

I further training:

- Neurophysiological Acupuncture and Psychoneurobiomodulation by Percutaneous Nerve Stimulation (Instituto de Ciencias y Medicina Integrativa), Mexico City.
-Gynaecology according to TCM (Giovanni Maciocia International School of Chinese Medicine).
- Anxiety and Insomnia (Giovanni Maciocia International School of Chinese Medicine).
-Professional Training in Mindfulness (Instituto de Neurociencia Aplicada. Madrid, Spain).
- University Course in Clinical Nutrition (Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain).
- International Course in Electroacupuncture (Centro de Estudios de Medicinas Orientales. Barcelona, Spain).
- Electroacupuncture for the treatment of pain (Centro de Estudios Superiores de Acupuntura Bioenergética. Barcelona, Spain).
- YNSA (Yamamoto's New Cranial Acupuncture) for the treatment of pain and neurological diseases (Fundación Europea de MTC).
- Blood test interpretation from TCM (MTC ConCiencia).
- Distal Acupuncture. Dr. Tan's Equilibrium Method (Escuela de Medicina China Jason Smith. Madrid, Spain).
- Treatment of pain with Acupuncture and Chinese Phytotherapy (Instituto Superior de Medicinas Tradicionales. Barcelona, Spain).
- Acupuntura Abdominal (Fundación Europea de MTC).
- Abdominal Acupuncture (Fundación Europea de MTC).
- Cupping in the treatment of tendino-muscular disorders (DIEVA).
- Acupuncture face-lifting (Escuela de Medicina China Jason Smith).
- Kobido, Japanese face-lifting massage (Escuela Internacional de Naturopatía).

At present I am studying:
- Biology and Physiology in TCM Syndromes (MTC ConCiencia).
- The body of energy. Tradition, states of consciousness and the brain (MTC ConCiencia).

Soy I have a degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the UNED University (Madrid, Spain) and a Master's degree in Music Therapy from the University of Vic (Barcelona, Spain).

I am currently part of the teaching team led by Liu Zheng at the Campus Acupuntura, Centre for the Study and Research of Acupuncture. Madrid, Spain.

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Consulta 3Consulta 3


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Rambla de Méndez Núñez, 40 Entlo.
03002 Alicante
Tel. 654 375 562

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If you want to make an appointment or need me to answer any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
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