- Pain treatment
- Stress, anxiety
- Fertility disorders
- Sleep disturbances
- Stop smoking
- Weight loss treatment
- Fatigue, weakness
- Menstrual disorders
- Gastrointestinal conditions
- Nervous disorders
- Respiratory system problems
- .
Emilio J. Torregrosa
I studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the Fundación Europea de MTC, in collaboration with the TCM Universities of Beijing and Yunnan, where I was trained in the various disciplines and techniques that complete TCM: Acupuncture, Phytotherapy, Moxibustion, Auriculotherapy, Tuina, Cupping, and Food.
I have a Master's degree in the Classical Chinese Medicine "Huangdi Neijing" organised by the TCM University of Yunnan (China).
I am a member of the Association of Acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine Professionals "Practitioner's Register" (nº 2760-11511).
I further training:
- Neurophysiological Acupuncture and Psychoneurobiomodulation by Percutaneous Nerve Stimulation (Instituto de Ciencias y Medicina Integrativa), Mexico City.
-Gynaecology according to TCM (Giovanni Maciocia International School of Chinese Medicine).
- Anxiety and Insomnia (Giovanni Maciocia International School of Chinese Medicine).
-Professional Training in Mindfulness (Instituto de Neurociencia Aplicada. Madrid, Spain).
- University Course in Clinical Nutrition (Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain).
- International Course in Electroacupuncture (Centro de Estudios de Medicinas Orientales. Barcelona, Spain).
- Electroacupuncture for the treatment of pain (Centro de Estudios Superiores de Acupuntura Bioenergética. Barcelona, Spain).
- YNSA (Yamamoto's New Cranial Acupuncture) for the treatment of pain and neurological diseases (Fundación Europea de MTC).
- Blood test interpretation from TCM (MTC ConCiencia).
- Distal Acupuncture. Dr. Tan's Equilibrium Method (Escuela de Medicina China Jason Smith. Madrid, Spain).
- Treatment of pain with Acupuncture and Chinese Phytotherapy (Instituto Superior de Medicinas Tradicionales. Barcelona, Spain).
- Acupuntura Abdominal (Fundación Europea de MTC).
- Abdominal Acupuncture (Fundación Europea de MTC).
- Cupping in the treatment of tendino-muscular disorders (DIEVA).
- Acupuncture face-lifting (Escuela de Medicina China Jason Smith).
- Kobido, Japanese face-lifting massage (Escuela Internacional de Naturopatía).
At present I am studying:
- Biology and Physiology in TCM Syndromes (MTC ConCiencia).
- The body of energy. Tradition, states of consciousness and the brain (MTC ConCiencia).
Soy I have a degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the UNED University (Madrid, Spain) and a Master's degree in Music Therapy from the University of Vic (Barcelona, Spain).
I am currently part of the teaching team led by Liu Zheng at the Campus Acupuntura, Centre for the Study and Research of Acupuncture. Madrid, Spain.